
Located in the north-western part of Tuscany and includes the municipalities of Seravezza, Stazzema, Pietrasanta, Forte dei Marmi, Camaiore and Viareggio. It is a fun and cultured land at the same time, known to many for its social life. It is famous for being embraced by the Apuan Alps and the coast full of beaches.…


Known worldwide as the world capital of marble. It’s the city of the extraction and processing of its famous marble, a precious white marble that comes directly from the Carrara quarries set in the nearby Apuan Alps. To those who visit Carrara we undoubtedly recommend a tour to the Quarries to understand from where the…

Pietrasanta en

City of medieval origin, it is the capital of the artistic processing of marble and is considered the historical capital of Versilia. Pietrasanta is enchanted: it seems suspended between the sea, the Apuan Alps, the processing of marble and an infinite open-air exhibition. Those who visit this city fall in love with it, Pietrasanta has…


It is the Tuscan city famous above all for the leaning tower. The tower is the bell tower of the Romanesque marble cathedral that stands nearby, in Piazza dei Miracoli. It is said that this marble cylinder was already off-axis as soon as it was completed in 1372. The leaning tower is the monument that…


Birthplace of the famous composer Giacomo Puccini is known for the fascinating Renaissance walls that surround the historic center and for its characteristic cobbled streets. Despite the passage of time Lucca has magically maintained its medieval appearance, thanks to the ancient and numerous churches (it is also called the city of 100 churches), the bell…


The beating heart of Tuscany, the symbol of the Renaissance, is undoubtedly one of the most loved cities in Italy and the world. Florence is an open-air museum. It conquers for its art, for its gastronomy and for how it is possible to live it. Those who visit can be happily lost among the narrow…